Our veterans have bravely served us.
It is now our privilege to serve them.
Veterans with life-limiting illnesses face unique issues that can exacerbate physical and emotional symptoms at an already difficult time. In response to these challenges, TRU Community Care offers TRU Heroes, a special end-of-life care program that’s based on the principles of comfort, choice, dignity, and respect and tailored to the specific needs of veterans and their families.
Through TRU Heroes, veterans and their families are assured:
• An expert, compassionate team of physicians, nurses, nursing assistants, chaplains, social workers, and counselors who understand the medical issues related to various branches and eras of military service, make house calls, and are accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
• Assistance in identifying and securing military benefits and community resources that are available to veterans and their surviving dependents
• Experienced counselors who are committed to providing support appropriate to veterans and their families
• Special recognition, including a commemorative certificate to recognize each veteran’s contributions
• Extra assistance and complementary therapies offered by highly trained volunteers, including veterans who often share common experiences

TRU Community Care is a Level Five We Honor Veterans Partner
We Honor Veterans, a program of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) in collaboration with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), invites hospices, state hospice organizations, Hospice-Veteran Partnerships and VA facilities to join a pioneering program focused on respectful inquiry, compassionate listening and grateful acknowledgment. By recognizing the unique needs of America’s veterans and their families, community providers, in partnership with VA staff, will learn how to accompany and guide them through their life stories toward a more peaceful ending.
We Honor Veterans also provides tiered recognition to organizations, known as Partners, that demonstrate a systematic commitment to improving care for veterans. There are five levels that partners can achieve in the program. Partner organizations assess their ability to serve veterans and, using resources provided as part of the program, integrate best practices for providing end-of-life care to veterans into their organization. TRU is proud to be a Level Five We Honor Veterans Partner.

Veteran to Veteran Volunteering
Please join us in honoring Colorado Veterans by volunteering time to support end of life care for these heroes. Veteran to Veteran volunteering services include: life review, storytelling, companionship, respite care, pinning ceremonies, and more.
For more information please contact volunteer@trucare.org.